Celebrate Earth Day

April 22nd, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. As we mark this milestone, we are facing two emergencies: the climate crisis and the novel coronavirus. But we have also shown that our communities are capable of facing emergencies with care, solidarity, and love. The Extinction Rebellion (XR) logo represents the shape of an hourglass and the threat of extinction if we don’t reimagine our relationship to our planet as one of nurturing and interconnectedness. That new way of living is ours to create.

This Earth Day, Extinction Rebellion Western Massachusetts and our friends across the Valley invite you to join us in a “conversation in art” to honor this moment in a spirit of healing. We may be separated by quarantine, but we are all a part of the living systems of our world. We all have a stake in a healthy future.

Join our Conversation in Art

We invite you to create art with messages of healing for people, communities, and the Earth. Any time between now and April 22nd, leave your art at central community locations or just leave your creations along trails or in front of your home where people can encounter them.

You might choose to:

  • Paint or draw the XR logo and other messages on rocks

  • Print or paint signs for cars, home windows, etc.

  • Create graffiti or chalk art on sidewalks, driveways, and paths

  • Apply your own creativity to get the message out there!

Want to do more? Print a copy of these instructions and post it in your community!

Want to get another group you’re part of involved? Email us at xr_western_mass@protonmail.com.

share your art with the world

Once you’ve left your message, share photos on social media with the hashtags #EarthDay2020, #RebelfromHome, and #HealtheEarth and tag us: @XR_WestMass on Twitter, @XRWMass on Facebook, or @XR_westernma on Instagram. Be well and rebel for life.