We need you – whoever you are, however much time you have – to help build a powerful movement. Our vision of change involves mass participation. Together we’re unstoppable.

Follow these simple steps to find the information you need to get involved with Extinction Rebellion.

01 WATCH “the XR talk”

What is the truth about the ecological crisis?

And what can we do about it?

Check our events page (Act Now) to see if there’s a Talk coming up, or watch it here:


What are the principles and values of Extinction Rebellion?
What do we mean by Non-Violent Direct Action?
How can you get involved?


While there are roles in every action that don’t risk arrest, we do want everyone to know what we are up to and encourage everyone to join a Nonviolent Direct Action Training!

04 JOIN our regional Chapter


Extinction Rebellion Western Massachusetts is structured through working groups that take responsibility for different aspects of planning and execution of actions and for building our community. These working groups include Action Planning, Research, Art, Strategy, Regenerative Culture, Media, Outreach, and more. You may sign up for as many as you'd like!

06 Join an affinity group

Affinity Groups are the decentralized source of Extinction Rebellion actions. Made up of 6 to 15 people, each group can act independently or in collaboration with others to carry out any action that conforms to XR principles, demands, and values and that is consistent with the XR Action Consensus. Members of an affinity group get to know each other well, share in the various roles required in successful actions, and are the building blocks of the new culture/world we are striving to create. Interested? Check out the Affinity Group Starter Pack.

Questions about Affinity Groups? Write us at xrwm.ag@protonmail.com.

Get in touch